Victoria Yoga Conference

… Have you heard about the Victoria Yoga Conference?


The Victoria Yoga Conference (VYC) is a weekend of inspiration, motivation and deep learning about the practice of yoga. The Second Annual Victoria Yoga Conference or VYC format includes yoga practice, workshops, yoga business workshops to assist studio owners and teachers how to market themselves and truly make a business of their passion and other inspirational speakers and workshop leaders.

I’ll be there teaching a Yogadopa workshop for all people living with Parkinson’s, caregivers and healthcare professionals Saturday February 1st. Keep checking here for more info to come…

You can check out the list of all workshops HERE and teachers HERE!

Register before Dec 31st and save! Hope to see you there! much love.

what i’ve been up to lately…

… according to my iPhone…

biking, beaching, snuggling, and caffeinating around Victoria…

… aka me sitting in the sun reading magazines on the dock!

camping, swimming and market-going in Salt Spring Island

warpaint, wetsuits, and surf trips to Tofino

lazy beach days and driftwood huts in Tofino

hope summer is bringing you lots of joy! much love

travels & island living

happy summer! it seems summer has officially shown it’s beautiful smile here in victoria and I’ve been enjoying every minute of it!

This past couple months has been full of travels, adventures, and settling down… I’ll give you a sneak peak of what has been keeping me busy…

mid-may we boarded an airplane and partied in vegas with a couple of rockstars…

margaritas with jimmy buffet

elton john!

then near the end of may, family called and I headed east to Cape Breton Island (check out

made-in-cape-breton pepsi, the longest flight, and the ferry to newfoundland!

May 31st came and we packed our bags and hit the road… and headed west, all the way to Victoria.

we moved to west victoria/esquimalt… and chose to live here because:

1) the ocean

west bay marina

harbour seals!

2) fol epi/cafe fantastico

best coffee, bread and pastries in the city within walking distance… yum!

fol epi bread

cafe fantastico

and of course 3) anna-banana!

anna and her funny faces

… and it’s been great!

I hadn’t even been in Victoria for 40 hours, when I hopped on another plane and headed to Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Home to the Kripalu Centre for Yoga and Health.

seattle airport with my yoga mat, enroute to massachusetts!

And, I definitely felt at home! I was involved with a weeklong Yoga for Parkinson’s retreat (June 4-9), run by the National Parkinson Foundation. I left that week bursting with inspiration… so much so that I’ll share it in another post – so keep your eye out for that!

Because my dissertation was still hanging over my head, I went back to Kelowna for a week of WORK, WORK, WORK!

And whaddya know, it got finished and handed to my committee! What that means now, is that I have a couple months to wait, then head back to Kelowna in September for my defence!


And now it’s summer-time…

and my pace has definitely slowed down! In between getting my last 2 papers published, and my last bit of data analyzed, I’ll get to enjoy ALL the island has to offer! Including,

bike rides


tuna sandwich and seafood poutine at “RedFish BlueFish”

crabbing at sooke harbour


beachfront camping in la push, washington

and the beach (and surfing!)!

Bring it on, summer! much love.