
there comes a time when you have to choose between family, and everything else. i choose family.

it seems like grandparents are the ties that bind families together, and when we lose one there’s risk of us all coming apart a little. This makes it even more important to put family first and reach out to them with both hands.

Roland family reunion, summer 1995

we lost my Nanny (Sadie Elizabeth Bungay) Roland last week. we lost her smile and endearing personality, her ability to welcome anyone into her home like family (strangers, neighbours, friends of friends, etc.), her faith, her patience with her 10 children (and all 10 of them talking at once!!)/24 grandchildren/19 great grandchildren, her ability to sit back in a crowded kitchen and take it all in, her delicious baked goods (raisin bread, dates squares and butterscotch pie, oh my!), and her unending love for her family that drew us all together.

Nanny & Katie2, 1984

“the kids”, May 2012

she was a caregiver in all sense of the word, especially as a mother and later on as a caregiver for my Grampy Roland, who had Parkinson’s disease. She was a truly inspiring woman and had a big impact on my work with Parkinson’s caregivers. Always putting others needs before her own and never asking for anything along the way. She dedicated so much time to helping others that I wanted to spend some time helping her (in my own way, i.e. researching Parkinson’s caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease).

Grampy and Nanny, May 1991

People are often unreasonable and self-centred, forgive them anyway

if you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motive, be kind anyway

if you are honest, people may cheat you, be honest anyway

if you find happiness, people may be jealous, be happy anyway

the good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyway

give the world the best you have and it may never be enough, give your best anyway

for you see, in the end, it is between you and God, it was never between you and them anyway.

– Mother Theresa

much love.

Nanny’s 80th birthday, October 2011

inspired life.

this woman inspires me. she even looks like superwoman.

i’m in awe of the wisdom and strength of older adults, but this woman is just incredible! at 93 Tao is officially the oldest yoga teacher (thanks, guiness records!) She braved the boys, studied with Indra Devi, BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois, teaches classes, certifies instructors, and goes on regular pilgrimages to India.

She is an example of a truly inspired and amazing life.

“Smile. Don’t look down. Don’t look backwards. Don’t procrastinate. Do it today!” (Tao Porchon-Lynch)

in light of mothers day, take a moment to appreciate the women in your life who inspire you. much love.

for more inspiration, some links on her achievements and life:

Tao’s personal website

Dr. Terri Kennedy, Huffington Post

Elephant Journal

photo credits: for